About me

Myself Introduction
Hi everyone, my name is Marcela Buitrago Poveda and I hope that we´ll be sharing this English Course during the next four months, having a nice relationship as classmates and helping each other to improve our listening and speaking skills.
I have two daughters, the older is twenty two and the other is sixteen, and I have also a granddaughter, she is two years old. We live in Montelimar, Guadalupe.
I´m a general dentist and my practice began in 1992, I also work as a dentistry teacher in ULACIT since 1999.  My private dental office is located at San Pedro, Montes de Oca, where I work most of the week time. I love my profession all though it´s a very stressful job.
Since I was a child my parents motivated myself to practice sports, and since then, I´ve been playing tennis, swimming,  jogging and a bit of other sports occasionally.  About jobbies… I´ve been learning to make quilting, and I wish to have and spend more of my free time learning other hand-made  skills.
Some people, as my students, know me as a hard character person, maybe it´s due to my perfectionism. Sometimes I would like to relax a little more with others and also with myself. But I´m Aquarian, and astrologers say it is common that we behave this way. Honesty is one of my virtues. I like romantic music and I love dancing. And the most important fact of myself,  is that I want to meet and learn more about Jesus.
I´ll be glad to share with you next fifthteen Thursday´s evenings.